How to Wash Shoes in the Washing Machine

How to Wash Shoes in the Washing Machine

Washing shoes in the washing machine can be a convenient and effective way to keep your footwear looking fresh and clean. Whether dealing with muddy sneakers or everyday wear, using the right techniques and tools ensures your shoes come out spotless without damage.
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What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Soft-bristled nylon brush
  • Washing machine
  • Mesh laundry bag
  • Drying rack


  • Heavy-duty laundry detergent
  • Enzyme-based stain remover (optional)
  • Oxygen-based bleach powder (optional)
  • Laundry disinfectant (optional)
  • Melamine eraser (such as Mr. Clean Magic Eraser)

Assessing Shoe Material

Types of Shoes Suitable for Machine Washing

Fabric Shoes (Canvas, Mesh)

Fabric shoes, such as those made from canvas or mesh, are typically safe to wash in a machine. These materials are durable and can withstand the washing process without sustaining damage.

Athletic Shoes (Sneakers, Running Shoes)

Athletic shoes, including sneakers and running shoes, are designed to handle wear and tear, making them suitable for machine washing. Ensure they do not have any delicate embellishments that could be damaged.

Shoes Not Suitable for Machine Washing


Leather shoes should never be washed in a machine. The water and detergent can ruin the material, making it stiff and cracked.


Suede is another material that should not be machine-washed. Water and agitation can damage its texture, causing irreparable harm.

Delicate or Embellished Shoes

Shoes with delicate fabrics or intricate embellishments, such as beads or sequins, should be cleaned by hand to avoid damage.

Preparing Shoes for Washing

Remove Laces and Insoles

Laces: Hand Wash or Use a Mesh Bag

Remove the laces from your shoes, and either hand wash them or place them in a mesh laundry bag to be washed with the boots. This prevents tangling and ensures a thorough cleaning.

Insoles: Hand Wash Separately

Remove the insoles and wash them by hand with mild soap and water. If they are washed in a machine, they can lose their shape or cushioning.

Clean Off Excess Dirt

Use a Soft Brush to Remove Mud and Debris

Before placing your shoes in the washing machine, use a soft brush to remove any loose dirt, mud, or debris. This helps to avoid clogging the washing machine and ensures a cleaner wash.

Inspect Shoes for Damage

Repair Minor Issues

Check your shoes for minor damage, such as loose threads or small tears, and repair them before washing. This prevents further damage during the wash cycle.

Avoid Washing Severely Damaged Shoes

If your shoes are severely damaged, it's best to avoid machine washing them. The agitation can exacerbate the damage.

Setting Up the Washing Machine

Use of a Mesh Laundry Bag

Protects Shoes During the Wash

Place your shoes in a mesh laundry bag to protect them from excessive agitation and banging against the washing machine's walls.

Choosing the Right Detergent

Mild Liquid Detergent

Opt for a mild liquid detergent, as it is less likely to leave residue than powdered detergent. Harsh detergents can damage the fabric and colors of your shoes.

Selecting the Proper Wash Cycle

Gentle or Delicate Cycle

Select the gentle or delicate cycle on your washing machine. This cycle uses less agitation, reducing the risk of shoe damage.

Cold Water Setting

Use cold water to wash your shoes. Hot water can cause colors to fade and materials to shrink or warp.

Washing the Shoes

Load the Shoes and Laundry Bag

Balance the Load with Towels or Other Items

To ensure an even wash and to protect your washing machine, balance the load by adding a few towels or other soft items. This helps to cushion the shoes and reduce noise.

Adding Detergent

Follow the Manufacturer's Instructions for the Quantity

Add the appropriate amount of detergent according to the manufacturer's instructions. Too much detergent can leave residue, while too little may not clean effectively.

Starting the Wash Cycle

Start the wash cycle, ensuring the machine is set to a gentle cycle and cold water. Monitor the first few minutes to make sure everything is running smoothly.If you are looking to buy Portable washing machine & get free home delivery,.


Drying the shoes

Removing Shoes from the Machine

Check for Any Remaining Soap or Dirt

Once the wash cycle is complete, remove the shoes and inspect them for any remaining soap or dirt. If necessary, rinse them with cold water.

Air Drying the shoes

Avoid Using a Dryer

Never put your shoes in a dryer, as the heat can damage the material and warp the shoes' shape.

Stuff Shoes with Paper Towels or Cloths to Maintain Shape

Stuff the shoes with paper towels or clean cloths to help them retain their shape while drying. This also helps absorb moisture.

Place Shoes in a Well-Ventilated Area

Allow your shoes to air dry in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and heat sources. This will ensure they dry thoroughly without damage.

Drying the Laces and Insoles

Lay Flat to Dry

Lay the laces and insoles flat to dry. Ensure they are completely dry before reinserting them into the shoes to prevent mildew and odor.

Reassembling and Final Touches

Reinsert Insoles and Laces

Once everything is dry, reinsert the insoles and lace up your shoes. Make sure the insoles are properly positioned and the laces are securely tied.

Perform Any Final Cleaning Touches

Spot Clean as Needed

If any remaining spots or stains remain, use a mild detergent and a soft cloth to clean them gently.

Ensure Shoes Are Completely Dry Before Wearing

Before wearing your shoes, ensure they are completely dry to avoid discomfort or damage.

Tips and Precautions

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean your shoes regularly to prevent dirt build-up.
  • Avoid Excessive Washing: Overwashing can wear out the materials. Only wash when necessary.
  • Check Manufacturer's Instructions: Always refer to the shoe manufacturer's care instructions before washing.


Washing your shoes in the washing machine can be a convenient and effective method for keeping them clean. By following these detailed steps and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure your shoes remain in great condition, ready for their next adventure.

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